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Doggy Daycare for Your Puppy

Doodle puppy playing with a soft toy
Deciding whether to enrol your puppy in daycare is an important choice for pet owners. Find out how Kuri City doggy daycare can help with socialisation!

In this Article

Is Doggy Daycare Right for Your Puppy?

Deciding whether to enrol your puppy in daycare is an important choice for pet owners. Doggy daycare offers a safe, stimulating environment for dogs to socialise, play, and stay active while you’re away. Here’s what you need to know about daycare, when puppies can start, and the benefits it provides.

What is Doggy Daycare?

Doggy daycare is a supervised space where dogs can enjoy play, enrichment activities, and interaction with other dogs. Trained staff ensure your puppy’s safety and engagement throughout there time with us. It’s an excellent way to keep your puppy active and help them develop essential social skills.

When Can Puppies Start at Kuri?

Puppies can usually start daycare at 16 weeks, provided they’re fully vaccinated. Early socialisation in a controlled environment helps puppies grow into confident, well-behaved dogs. If your puppy shows curiosity and enjoys playing with others, they’re likely ready for daycare.

What Social Skills do Puppies Need?

Every pup needs essential social skills to thrive. A quality day care service ensures your furry friend gets the right care and attention from experienced daycare staff during their dog’s first day.

With the right pet care services, your dog may develop friendships and learn important behaviours Important dog behaviours for socialisation include:

  • Playfulness: Engaging with dogs and humans builds social skills and boundaries.
  • Calmness: Staying calm in new or busy situations reduces anxiety.
  • Body Language Awareness: Recognising stress or discomfort prevents conflicts.
  • Greeting Etiquette: Polite greetings, like sitting or waiting, show good manners.
  • Impulse Control: Waiting for treats or not jumping fosters self-control.
  • Exposure: Experiencing different settings reduces fear and builds adaptability.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Rewards encourage good social behaviours.
  • Leash Manners: Walking calmly on a leash improves outings for all.
  • Social Interaction: Meeting various people and animals builds confidence.
  • Handling: Comfort with touch and grooming aids calmness in care settings.

By focusing on these behaviours, dog owners can help their pets develop the social skills necessary for a happy and well-adjusted life. Every dog will get the chance to interact with others, which is crucial for their development. As a pet parent, investing in dog daycare services is a smart choice for your dog’s well-being.

Why Choose Kuri Doggy Daycare?

Daycare offers several benefits, including:

  • Socialisation: Puppies learn to interact with other dogs, improving their behaviour and communication skills.
  • Mental stimulation: Enrichment activities keep your puppy’s mind engaged.
  • Physical activity: Structured playtime helps burn energy, reducing destructive behaviour at home.
  • Peace of mind: While you’re busy, your puppy is cared for in a safe, supervised environment.
  • Puppy Only Space: We know that puppies need more rest than older dogs. That’s why we have a dedicated puppy room so they can rest without the rest of the Kuri pack pestering them.

How Often Should Puppies Attend?

Most puppies thrive with 1–2 visits per week, depending on their energy levels and social needs. Regular attendance helps them adjust to the daycare routine and build relationships with other dogs and staff, but it is important to not over-stimulate puppies giving them time to relax between visits.

Is Doggy Daycare Good for Puppies?

Yes! Daycare supports behavioural development, reduces separation anxiety, and helps puppies grow into well-rounded adult dogs. Supervised play reinforces good manners and appropriate interaction with other dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Doggy Daycare for Puppies

What age can my puppy start doggy daycare?

How often should my puppy attend daycare?

What are the benefits of doggy daycare for puppies?

What should I look for in a doggy daycare?

Can daycare help with training my puppy?